I'm usually pretty good about going with the flow when it comes to the growing up of my kids. I embrace the phrase "This too shall pass" which my mom consistently reminds me of. All of the good moments and bad moments alike will pass and I am okay with that. I love my life as it is right now and a part of me is sad that my kids won't stay this way forever, but another part of me is excited to watch them grow and knows that I will love a lot about the next phases of life as well.

Knowing that keeps me grounded in reality and I don't often get too emotional about "losing" my babies. But it did hit me a little bit last night. I was holding Eli as he was falling asleep nursing. He is a light sleeper and doesn't often sleep in my arms unless he is eating. I hugged him a little tighter and remembered back to his newborn days (nights) when he would snuggle up on my chest and we'd both drift off to sleep. It made me realize just how quickly this is all going. It won't be much longer before I won't get to hold him in his sleep at all anymore.

We are already less than 5 months away from Eli's first birthday!
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