The weekend after Lydia's birthday was crazy! But lots of fun. :) On Friday my parents drove up from Cinci (in a crazy snow storm!) followed on Saturday by my two brothers, one of my sisters-in-law, and my 3 nieces - also all up from Cinci. Everyone stayed at our house. Joshua, Erin, and the 3 girls took over the playroom. Mom & Dad were in the guest room. And Michael crashed on the couch downstairs. It was really special to me to have almost my whole family here to celebrate with us (Michael's wife Jenna was unable to come due to having to work on Sunday). I miss seeing them!
We enjoyed hanging out Friday and Saturday, just talking and playing games. The women beat the men twice in a row at Outburst. I just love playing games with my family! We always end up with the best memories.
Then Sunday was party day! We spent most of the morning and afternoon getting everything ready. Decorating, preparing food, and cleaning up from the tornado that occurs when you have 10+ people under the same roof for a weekend. My family helped me a ton in getting ready. I had no idea how much work birthday parties could be!
That night even more people joined us for the birthday celebration. Brent's mom & stepdad came along with his sister Sarah & her boyfriend Jeremy, Brent's grandparents, his great-aunt, and two of his aunts. Brent's sister Natalie & her husband Jay were unable to make it due to a family emergency.
Lydia wasn't phased by the chaos of the party and continued to crawl about playing with things as usual. But she also wasn't super interested in her gifts. I tried to get her to do some of the work opening them, but it basically ended up being me opening them while trying to keep her from completely crawling away. She became obsessed with the box from a necklace she was given and that pretty much ended her interest in anything else. At least until she opened the big ball that Aunt Sarah gave her. My girl just loves playing ball!
The birthday girl stayed up well past her bedtime, so as soon as the party-goers had left she went straight to bed. A big thank you to Sarah who helped us clean up afterwards! It was a really nice party and we all had a lot of fun. :)
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