Alright, so I admit I am a total rookie housewife. I'm in no way a clean freak and the house primarily gets cleaned when it needs to be (ie, when company is coming). When it was just me and Brent, this wasn't a huge deal. We aren't very messy people.

Enter baby.

Things got a whole lot messier when our sweet little bundle came home... and my desire to have things clean also got a whole lot stronger! But alas, I'm still a rookie and feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. So I'm asking for your help! What are some of your favorite cleaning products? What are some good things for cleaning up those baby messes (wiping off highchairs, cleaning spit-up off the carpet/pillows/everything, surface cleaning the cloth toys that baby insists on stuffing in her mouth all the time, etc)? What do you use to disinfect toys that were, for example, thrown in the sand at the beach?

Cleaning products make me so nervous because I want to make sure anything I use on Lydia's toys or eating surfaces are safe.

Then of course there are bathrooms, floors, a kitchen, and more to be cleaned. So any tips you fellow housewives can pass on would be super appreciated!
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1 Response
  1. MamaBird Says:

    A spray bottle of 1 part bleach and 2 parts water works on all hard surfaces(*kitchen counters& floors, the enire bathroom, ect.*) kills 99.9 percent of germs, and evaporates away! Mix a bucket of the watered down bleach and put lydia's hard toys in it to disinfect them, or just use a rag dipped in the solution to wipe things down. No icky chemical residue around the baby and none of that sticky feeling! Magic erasers rock to!! I love lemon pledge for dusting especially for window ledges and such, I have been told that spiders/bugs can "taste" it with their feet and they don't like it so it helps keep them out! Swiffer cloths, and the swiffer sweep and vac rocks for keeping the kitchen floor and any other hard floor surfaces clean all during the day(*especially when she starts crawling*) For the high chair and all baby bottle/cups/dishes I wash them by hand with palmolive pure&clear dish soap, it has no fragrances and leaves no harmful residue. One trick I have learned is that baby wipes tend to work really well on hard surfaces where baby formula,milk, or baby food have dried on, I am not sure why but they seem to remove the junk much faster than cleaner and a paper towel lol!

    We also have a hot steam mop (*research before you buy to make sure you get a good one not some peice of junk*) it is safe for hardwood floors and of course all other hard floor surfaces. It rocks, the hot steam of course kills all the germs chemical free, and it gets the floor unbelievably clean!!

    If it can fit in a big pot of water and be boiled I do that. All bottle,sippy cup,dishes, chew toys, rings, ect... if the chew toys are water filled then I put them in a strainer and pour the boiling water over them so they don't melt.

    As for cloth toys I put them in the washing machine & dryer(* I REALLY want the new steam washer/dryer, the hot steam kills a ton of germs!*) we use ALL free & clear, on everything of the kids, and no softner or dryer sheets.

    As for carpets/couches/ and things that don't fit in the washing machine... I dunno I am not good at that, I usually use a variety of products on them but only at night after the babies go to bed my hope is that by morning most the harsh chemicals have evaporated! Lol so if you get any good responses on those things pass them on!

    I hope this helps, or that someone gives you great adivce!!

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