Some random stuff on my mind:

- My mom is in Haiti right now on a mission trip. She left on the 3rd and gets back late late late on the 14th. I'm so excited to hear about it!

- I love our deck. Went out and layed on it today for the first time. I was out toasting myself in the hot sun while Lydia sat in her new "sun dome" to keep her shaded.

- Lydia continues to get better at rolling... at least when she is interested in trying. Today she did her first barrel roll, going from back to tummy then continuing on to her back again.

- I'm super excited about upcoming plans for CedarCreek.tv but a little nervous about how much work it is going to be. I really hope Lee likes the changes! Meeting next week to discuss it with him.

- After I finish this post I think I'm going to go enjoy some cookies'n'cream ice cream.

- Lydia spent a large portion of today grunting and straining as if she was trying to poo... but she shouldn't be constipated. She poo'd a TON yesterday. I hope nothing is wrong! :(

- I wonder if I should try solid foods with Lydia soon. She watched me in awe today as I ate apple slices. She also grabs at my glass of water every morning when I'm carrying her around the kitchen. Maybe she's ready to try new things!

- Brent's birthday is a week from tomorrow and I can't come up with any creative things to give him. Sigh.

- Still praying for our friends the Shortridges and their son Jackson. They thought he'd be able to go home early this week, but he's been throwing up so they are still at the hospital. My heart breaks for them.

- In less than two weeks my baby will be 5 months old. I can hardly believe we are approaching half a year already!!!
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